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Migration and registration

Essential information for newcomers. Learn about reporting your move, identification numbers, and opening a bank account for a smooth transition.

Moving to a new country can be both exciting and a bit challenging, but having an understanding of what needs to be done before and after the move will make the transition easier. On this page, you will find information about relevant laws and regulations that foreign newcomers should be aware of before moving to the Tromsø Region.

How do I report my move to Norway?

In Norway, we have a national population register that contains key information about all individuals who have been or are residing in Norway. Foreign citizens are required to report their move to Norway to the tax authorities. The reporting process differs depending on whether you plan to reside for more than six months or less than six months.

What do I need to know about Birth number and D-number?

All individuals intending to reside in Norway must have either a Birth Number or a D-number, depending on the duration of their stay.

Employees working and residing in Norway for less than 6 months require a D-number for registration in the population register and to receive a tax card. Birth numbers are assigned to employees with stays longer than 6 months. Without a birth number or D-number, employees must visit one of the 42 designated tax offices to apply for a tax card.

The Birth number is a unique 11-digit identification number assigned to anyone born or granted residence in Norway. It serves as a form of personal identification in various contexts, such as bank transactions, tax reporting, and accessing public services. The Birth number is based on a person's date of birth and remains constant and indefinitely valid. The Personal number consists of the last five digits of the Birth number. The three digits representing the individual number are sequentially assigned within each birthdate.

A D-number is a temporary identification code assigned to individuals applying for residence permits in Norway who have not yet received a permanent identification number. It is used by various public agencies in Norway to identify and register a person while their residence permit application is being processed.

It's important to be patient with bureaucratic processes like obtaining a D-number. Without a D-number, newcomers cannot open a Norwegian bank account. Obtaining both a D-number and a bank account number can take several months. It's advisable to initiate the D-number process before your relocation.

How do I open a bank account?

All individuals receiving income in Norway must have a bank account to receive salaries and pay taxes. It is possible to obtain a bank account without a work contract.

Opening a bank account in Norway requires some patience as banks require you to have an identification number, and the process of obtaining one may take several months. In Norway, there are two types of identification numbers - D-number and Birth number. An identification number enables you to open a bank account and also obtain a general practitioner, rent a place to live, pay taxes, and vote in elections. Once you have obtained an identification number, you can open a bank account by using it together with your passport.

Foreign workers can open a bank account in Norway by initially filling out an electronic application, which will be followed up by the bank with more information. You will be notified when your account is ready, and you must then visit the bank in person with the necessary documents. Please be aware that without a D-number, you won't be able to establish a Norwegian bank account. Most people in Norway manage their bank accounts digitally. Mobile banking can be requested on the day you open your bank account, and it can be used for bill payments and money transfers both domestically and internationally.

How do I get an identification number?

The tax authorities in Norway manage the distribution of identification numbers. The type of identification number you receive depends on the type of residence permit you have and how long you plan to reside in Norway.

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